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Private Guiding

It was a pleasure to be asked by someone to do some private guiding for them. Jon hasn't ventured out into the hills for over a decade and wants to get back into it and get fitter.

A bit of a chat beforehand identified some good potential routes that would interest him, challenge him but not leave him totally destroyed! Winter appealed to his sense of adventure to be able to get a bit of snow too.

Jon was travelling up from London and we were able to visit two National Parks in one county. North Yorkshire!

On the Saturday we took in Great Shunner Fell and Lovely Seat in the Yorkshire Dales National Park where I'd been on New Year's Day. And what a difference a few weeks made to the conditions. Absolutely no views but plenty of snow and an eerie mist throughout. However that didn't deter our enthusiasm as it made for a more exciting day out.

On the Sunday we headed across to the North York Moors National Park for a walk around Grosmont and Goathland Moors. A very different landscape.

Less snow but the mist cleared giving us some absolutely stunning views.

For Jon, it was great to be able to get out, explore, take some pictures, get some inspiration without having to worry about pretty much anything else including getting lost in the mist (that's what I was for).

Get in touch if something similar appeals to you! I can absolutely find something that will meet your aims.

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